Traditional Services
Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
Here at St Ann’s we offer a mix of traditional and contemporary worship styles.
Every Sunday at 8.30am we hold a service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer (1662).
The service is valued by the congregation for its links to the rich linguistic and liturgical traditions of the Church of England.
Our main act of worship is at 10.30am, also know as Platform 1. The style of this service varies depending on which Sunday in the month it is. On the first Sunday of the month Platform 1 becomes the All Together For Worship service, for us to worship together as a Parish. All other Sunday’s of the month Platform 1 follows a more traditional Holy Communion style.
Our standard Communion service follows Order One in Common Worship, with traditional hymns, a robed choir and is friendly but quite formal. You can find out more about the Church of England’s Common Worship services on the Church of England website.
We also hold a service of Holy Communion every Thursday at 9.30am in the main Church building.