Contact St. Ann’s Church
St Ann’s Parish Church, based in Rainhill, UK, is a lively Christian community, welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds. We are open for public worship but we are keeping an online presence.
View Road, Rainhill, Merseyside L35 0NS
Vicar - Reverend Dr Alan Conant - - 0151 426 4666
Curate - Reverend David Halliwell - - 07468 844 512
Mothers’ Union - Delphine Corcoran 01744 832616
Flower Guild - Janet Hardman - 0151 290 1592
Organist - Vacant, if interested please ring the Vicar
Community Choir - Paula Bolton-Maggs 07817036695
Baptism Co-ordinator - Gill Crawford - 07579 849 948 - Email Gill
Bell Ringers - Joyce Code - 0151 426 3220
St Ann’s Millennium Centre - 0151 493 9350 or email