St Helens Foodbank donations

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Today in St Helens there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis such as, redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill can result in going hungry.

All donations to St Helens Foodbank would be gratefully received, if you would like to donate below is a list of items that are currently in short supply:

  • Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gels, soap, shampoo, deodorants, toilet rolls)

  • Sugar

  • Juice

  • Coffee

  • Tinned Tomatoes

  • Tinned Potatoes

  • Jam

  • Tinned Meat

  • Instant Mash

  • Tinned Fruit, Tinned Fish

  • Jars of Pasta Sauce

  • Rice Pudding

  • Packet Noodles

  • Tinned Vegetables

  • Biscuits

We have a collection point at back of St Ann’s Church or in your local Co-op Store.

Please give as generously as you can. 

Christmas Community Choir

Come and join a community choir to prepare for the Annual Carol Service at St Ann’s Church.


It’s not too late to join in for a short-term commitment and enjoy singing for Christmas.

Come and join a community choir to prepare for the Annual Carol Service at St Ann’s Church on December 15th at 6.30pm.

Rehearsals are on the following Tuesdays in October 8th, 15th 22nd and also December 3rd and 10th 7.30 pm to 9 pm at St Ann’s Church, Rainhill.

Ability to read music not essential! Please contact Paula Bolton-Maggs Or just come on the above dates to find out more.

All welcome!