7:30 pm19:30

Beetle Drive

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Come along for a fantastic night of fun to help raise funds for St Anns Centre on Friday 18th October at 7:30pm.

Tickets are £5 each which includes a hot pot supper. You can buy tickets from St Anns Centre or call the vicarage on 0151 426 4666.

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Lent Study 2020
to 23 Apr

Lent Study 2020

Join us for a 6 week Lent course as we explore Genesis 1. Along with some of the key themes in Ruth Valerio’s book “Saying Yes to Life”.

1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

There will be groups meeting in church at either 11am or 7:30pm starting on Thursday 5th March (you are welcome to join either) and in between you are encouraged to study at home or gather some friends together and look at the material over a coffee.

In addition, there will be material available here on our website and you can join our private facebook group to keep the conversations going.

> Join the Facebook Group for ‘St Anns Parish - Live Lent 2020’

> Go to Live Lent 2020 Page

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9:00 am09:00

Old Testament in a nutshell


Read the book that Jesus Read.

For everyone who would like to learn more about the Bible this fun-filled, interactive day will take you through the Bible from Genesis to the time of Jesus.

This is a whole day event and tickets are £14, which includes a work book and timeline.

Please bring your own lunch, however teas and coffees will be provided throughout the day.

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In association with https://www.walkthru.org/

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11:45 am11:45

Harvest Lunch


Everyone is invited to our Harvest Lunch!

We do need to know numbers by Wednesday 2nd October, so if you are interested please contact vicarage on 0151 426 4666.

Following the next All Age Worship on Sunday 6th October, there will be a harvest lunch along with a table quiz and Generation Game.

You are more than welcome to bring your own food, however there is with an option to buy a meal. We will be serving Poached Salmon with trimmings and there will be child friendly meals for the younger members of church.

Meal tickets

  • £7.50 for adults

  • £2.50 for under 10s

It’s going to be lots of fun, especially the Generation Game which you won’t want to miss!

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