St Ann’s Easter 2023
Palm Sunday
Sunday 2nd April - 10:30am - Altogether Worship for Palm Sunday
Holy week
Monday 3rd April - 7:30pm - Informal communion
Tuesday 4th April - 7:30pm - Stations of the Cross
Wednesday 5th April - 7:30pm - Torn Curtain - A Musical by Roger Jones, in St Ann’s Church
Maundy Thursday 6th April - 9:30am
Holy communion with foot washing
Good Friday 7th April
10:00am - Walk of Witness, from St Bart’s to St Ann’s followed by
10:30am - Service in Church and a Messy Church in St Ann’s Centre
2:00pm - Hour at the Cross in St Ann’s Church
Saturday 8th April
9:00pm - Easter Eve Service including kindling of Easter Fire
Easter Sunday 9th April
8:30am - Easter Communion from The Book of Common Prayer
10:30am - Easter Celebration Service with Communion